A89 |
黃從嘉、李孟璋、徐啟斌、何萬順*。2025。分類詞在北方漢語中的演變:魏晉南北朝與元朝兩個時期的比較。《清華學報》(Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies)
Refereed Journal Articles |
A88 |
Huang, Yu-Hsin, One-Soon Her, and Stano Kong*. 2025. Revisiting the taxonomy of Interrogatives in
Cantonese. 《清華學報》(Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies) 55.2
Refereed Journal Articles |
A87 |
2024.〈2030雙語政策的演變:2017至2023民調變化初探〉(Evolution of the
2030 Bilingual Policy: A preliminary study on poll changes from 2017
to 2023)。《臺灣語文研究》(Journal of Taiwanese Languages and
Literature) 19.2: 133-186.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A86 |
陳甚安、唐威洋、梁永平、何萬順*. 2024.〈阿爾泰語言中分類詞的起源與分布〉(On the distribution and origin of sortal classifiers in
Altaic languages)。《中國語言學報》(Journal of Chinese Linguistics) 52.2: 456-479。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A85 |
Chen, Yupin and One-Soon Her. To appear. Parallel development of numerals
and numeral classifiers in children’s acquisition of Mandarin Chinese. To appear in
Journal of Chinese Linguistics.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A84 |
Her, One-Soon, Yung-Ping Liang, Eugene Chan, Hung-Hsin Hsu, Anthony Chi-Pin Hsu, and Marc
Allassonnière-Tang. 2024. Early humans out of Africa had only base-initial numerals. Humanities and
Social Sciences Communications 11, 254. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-02506-z.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A83 |
Huang, Bo-Xuan and One-Soon Her*. 2024. On a dichotomy of question types: the case of Paiwan.
Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 50.1: 20-56.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A82 |
Allassonnière-Tang, Marc, Zhongliang Gao, Shen-An Chen, and One-Soon
Her*. 2023. Phylogenetic analyses for the origin of numeral classifiers in Mongolic,
Tungusic, and Turkic languages. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 49.2: 295-315.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A81 |
梁瑀庭、何萬順*. 2023. 〈漢語方位詞的詞類與詞態屬性〉(On the
syntactic category and morphological status of localizers in
Mandarin Chinese)。《漢學研究》(Chinese Studies) 41.1: 297-320。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A80 |
何姵萱、廖敏旬、何萬順*. 2023. 〈大學英檢畢業門檻的現況與檢討〉(A
Critical Examination of the Current State of Universities’ English
Graduation Threshold Policies)。《課程與教學季刊》(Curriculum &
Instruction Quarterly) 26.4: 157-188。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A79 |
Her, One-Soon*, Jie-Wen Tsai, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang. 2022. On
Taiwan universities’ Two-One academic dismissal policies: A
quantitative fairness analysis of NCCU’s four
policies.《教育研究與發展期刊》(Journal of Educational Research and
Development)18.4: 79-112。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A78 |
classification and pedagogical grammar of Mandarin questions: A
focus on polar and A-not-A questions)。《華語文教學研究》(Journal of
Chinese Language Teaching) 19.3: 77-117。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A77 |
Her, One-Soon, Harald Hammarström, and Marc Allassonnière-Tang*.
2022. Defining numeral classifiers and identifying classifier
languages of the world. Linguistics Vanguard. Paper: https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2022-0006
; Database:
Refereed Journal Articles |
A76 |
陳甚安、唐威洋、梁永平、何萬順*. To
appear.〈阿爾泰語言中分類詞的起源與分布〉(On the distribution and
origin of sortal classifiers in Altaic
languages)。《中國語言學學報》(Journal of Chinese Linguistics)。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A75 |
何萬順。2022。〈學術期刊的白與黑〉(The black and white of academic
journals)。《人文與社會科學簡訊》(Humanities and Social Sciences
Newsletter) 23.4: 39-45。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A74 |
predatory models of academic journals and the diamond open access
solution)。 《人文與社會科學簡訊》(Humanities and Social Sciences
Newsletter) 23.2: 50-56。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A73 |
Her, One-Soon*, Dewei Che, and Adams Bodomo. 2022. On a dichotomy of
question types: A case study of Mandarin Chinese and Changsha Xiang.
The Linguistic Review 39.2: 257-291.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A72 |
He, Chuansheng and One-Soon Her*. 2022. Complex numerals in English:
Constituents or not? English Language and Linguistics 26.4: 723-749.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A71 |
Allassonnière-Tang, Marc, Olof Lundgren, Maja Robbers, Sandra
Cronhamn, Filip Larsson, One-Soon Her, Harald Hammarström, Gerd
Carling. 2021. Speaker migration as a historical coincidence drives
linguistic diversity of nominal categorization systems. Humanities
and Social Sciences Communications 8.331: 1-6.
Refereed Journal Articles |
Scopus, ESCI |
A70 |
2021.〈學業退學制度是否合理妥適?實證研究的證據〉(Are universities’
academic dismissal policies reasonable and appropriate: Evidence from
an empirical study).《當代教育研究季刊》(Contemporary Educational
Research Quarterly) 29.3:81-119.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A69 |
Hsiao, Pei-Yi* and One-Soon Her. 2021. Taxonomy of questions in
Taiwan Southern Min. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 47.2:
Refereed Journal Articles |
A68 |
羅奕傑、何萬順*. 2021.〈複數標記「們」在台灣華語中的新興用法〉(The
Innovative use of the plural marker -men in
TaiwanMandarin)。《臺灣語文研究》(Journal of Taiwan Languages
Refereed Journal Articles |
A67 |
Tang, Marc, Ying-Chun Chen, Nai-Shing Yen, and One-Soon Her*. 2021.
Investigating the branching of Chinese classifier phrases: Evidence
from speech perception and production.
Journal of Chinese
49.1: 71-105.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A66 |
on Taiwan’s language values from the perspectives of the ‘bilingual
nation’ and ‘bilingual education’
policies).《臺灣教育評論月刊》(Taiwan Educational Review Monthly)
9.10: 1-7.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A65 |
何萬順. 2020.〈金玉其外:大學英檢畢業門檻的真相〉(All that glitters
is not gold: On the true face of universities’ English exit
requirements).《臺灣教育評論月刊》(Taiwan Educational Review
Monthly) 9.9: 18-24.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A64 |
林昆翰、林俊儒*、何萬順. 2020.〈大學零學分制度的批判與反思〉(A
Critical review of universities’ zero-credit course
system).《課程與教學季刊》(Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly).
23.4: 233-256.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A63 |
2020.〈華語分類詞的界定與教學上的分級〉(Distinguishing Chinese
sortal classifiers and setting levels for the purpose of
teaching).《華文世界》(The World of Chinese Language) 126: 19-34.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A62 |
Tang, Marc* and One-Soon Her. 2020. Numeral base, numeral
classifier, and noun: Word order harmonization.
Language and
21.4: 511-556.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A61 |
2020.〈台灣閩南語分類詞之檢驗〉(Distinguishing classifiers in Taiwan
Southern Min)。《語言暨語言學》(Language and Linguistics) 21.3:
Refereed Journal Articles |
A59 |
Her, One-Soon* and Hui-Chin Tsai. 2020. Left is right, right is not:
On the constituency of the classifier phrase in Chinese.
Language and
Linguistics 21.1: 1-32.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A58 |
Her, One-Soon and Marc Tang*. 2020. A statistical explanation of the
distribution of sortal classifiers in languages of the world via
computational classifiers. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics DOI: 10.1080/09296174.2018.1523777.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A57 |
the ‘Pin’-character criteria of degree requirements based on the
constitutional significance of ‘Universities’ purpose is teaching’:
A focus on the Highest Administrative Court Judgment No. 107-Pan-488
on National Chengchi University’s English benchmark for
graduation).《教育政策論壇》(Educational Policy Forum) 22.4: 1-22.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A56 |
2019.〈論「通過/不通過制」在大學教育中的誤用與重塑〉(On the misuse
and reestablishment of the pass-fail grading system in university
education).《教育研究集刊》(Bulletin of Educational Research) 65.3:67-89.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A55 |
Tang, Marc* and One-Soon Her. 2019. Insights on the
Greenberg-Sanches-Slobin Generalization: Quantitative typological
data on classifiers and plural markers. Folia Linguistica
53.2: 297-331.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A54 |
Her, One-Soon, Macr Tang*, and Bing-Tsiong Li. 2019. Word order of
numeral classifiers and numeral bases: Harmonization by
multiplication. STUF-Language Typology and Universals 3: 1-32.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A53 |
autonomy or education outsourcing? Remarks on Taipei High
Administrative Court’s 2017 Ruling 169 on NCCU’s English exit
examination).《全國律師》(Taiwan Bar Journal) 12:105-114.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A52 |
the variation of numeral systems and classifier systems under ethnic
contact: A case study of Sunwar and Rabha in Tibeto-Burman).《民族學界》(Ethnologia) 42: 39-80.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A51 |
Chen, Ying-Chun, One-Soon Her, and Nai-Shing Yen*. 2018. Quantity
processing of Chinese numeral classifiers: Distance and congruity
effects. PLoS ONE 13.11: e0206308. 線上閱讀
(Review records 審查記錄)
Refereed Journal Articles |
A50 |
Her, One-Soon, Ying-Chun Chen, Nai-Shing Yen*. 2018. Neural
correlates of quantity processing of Chinese numeral classifiers.
Brain and Language 176: 11-18.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A49 |
何萬順*、林俊儒. 2017.〈大學學業退學制度的批判與反思〉(A critical
review of the policies of academic dismissal from university).《教育研究集刊》(Bulletin of Educational Research) 63.3: 75-106.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A48 |
Her, One-Soon, Ying-Chun Chen, Nai-Shing Yen*. 2017. Semantic
attributes and mathematical values in the processing of Chinese
numeral classifiers and measure words. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0185047. 線上閱讀
(Review records 審查記錄)
Refereed Journal Articles |
A47 |
He, Chuansheng*, One-Soon Her, Victor Xiaoshi Hu, and Weijing Zhu.
2017. Overt coordination in additive numerals of minority languages
in South China. Syntax 20.3: 292-316. DOI: 10.1111/synt.12137
Refereed Journal Articles |
A46 |
Her, One-Soon. 2017. Structure of numerals and numeral classifiers
in Chinese: Historical and typological perspectives and
cross-linguistic implications. Language and Linguistics 18.1:26-71.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A45 |
Her, One-Soon. 2017. Deriving classifier word order typology, or
Greenberg’s Universal 20A, and Universal 20. Linguistics 55.2: 265-303.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A44 |
Her, One-Soon, Jing-Perng Chen, and Hui-Chin Tsai*. 2015. Justifying
Silent Elements in Syntax: The Case of a Silent Numeral, a Silent
Classifier, and Two Silent Nouns in Mandarin Chinese. International
Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2:2: 193-226.
Refereed Journal Articles |
ESCI, Scopus |
A43 |
何萬順*、林昆翰. 2015.
〈分類詞與量詞的區分:以台灣華語為例〉(Distinguishing classifiers
and measure words: A Case study of Taiwan Mandarin). 《漢語學報》(Chinese
Linguistics) 2015.4:56-68.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A42 |
Her, One-Soon & Tsai, Hui-Chin. 2015. On silent elements: A case
study of grand and its silent entourage. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33.2: 575-605.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A41 |
Her, One-Soon and Tsai, Hui-Chin. 2014 Color isn’t
silent, shallow isn’t deep: Two case studies of evaluating silent
elements. Language
and Linguistics 15.6: 775-800.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A40 |
何萬順, 廖元豪 & 蔣侃學.
the legality of universities’ English benchmark policy for
graduation: A case study of NCCU’s relevant regulations). 《政大法學評論》(National Chengchi University Law Review) 139:1-64.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A39 |
何萬順, 周祝瑛, 蘇紹雯, 蔣侃學 & 陳郁萱. 2013.〈我國大學英語畢業門檻政策之檢討〉(A critical review of
universities’ English benchmark policy for
graduation). 《教育政策論壇》(Educational Policy Forum) 16.3:1-30.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A38 |
Her, One-Soon & Lai, Wan-Jun. 2012. Classifiers: The many ways to
profile ‘one’, a case study of Taiwan Mandarin. International
Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental
Languages 24.1:79-94.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A37 |
Her, One-Soon. 2012. Distinguishing classifiers and measure words: A
mathematical perspective and implications. Lingua 122.14: 1668-1691. November 2012.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A36 |
Her, One-Soon. 2012. Structure of classifiers and measure words: A
lexical functional Account.Language and Linguistics 13.6:1211-1511. December 2012.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A35 |
何萬順. 2010b.〈論台灣華語的在地化〉(On the Indigenization of Taiwan
Mandarin),《澳門語言學刊》(Journal of Macau Linguistics
Association) 35.1: 19-29。
Refereed Journal Articles |
A34 |
Her, One-Soon & Hseih, Chen-Tien. 2010. On the Semantic Distinction
between Classifiers and Measure Words in Chinese. Language and Linguistics 11.3: 527-550.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A33 |
何萬順, 陳靜宜 & 劉濟慈. 2010.
universities' OA IR mandate: The case of NCCU).《圖書與資訊學刊》(Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies) 2.2: 1-19.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A32 |
何萬順 & 劉濟慈. 2009e.
University Teachers' Participation in Institute Repository and
Self-Archive: A Mandate?).《圖書與資訊學刊》(Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies) 1.4.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A31 |
Her, One-Soon. 2009d. Apparent Subject-object Inversion in
Chinese. Linguistics 47.5: 1143-1181.[NSC-95-2411-H-004-027, NSC-94-2411-H-004-030]
Refereed Journal Articles |
A30 |
Her, One-Soon. 2009c. Unifying the Long Passive and the Short
Passive: On the Bei Construction in Taiwan Mandarin. Language and
Linguistics 10.3: 421-470. [NSC-97-2410-112-MY2]
Refereed Journal Articles |
A29 |
2009b. 〈語言與族群認同:從台灣外省族群的母語與台灣華語談起〉(Language
and Group Identity: On Taiwan Mainlanders’ Mother Tongue and Taiwan
Mandarin). Language
and Linguistics 10.2, 375-419. [NSC-95-2411-H-004-027, NSC-94-2411-H-004-030]
Refereed Journal Articles |
A28 |
何萬順. 2009a. 〈台灣華語與本土母語:衝突抑或相容?〉(On the
Compatibility between Taiwan Mandarin and Taiwan’s indigenous
languages).《海翁台語文教學季刊》Hai-ang Tai-gi-bun Kau-hak
Kui-khan (Haiang Quarterly of Teaching Taiwanese) 3, 26-39.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A27 |
Her, One-Soon. 2007d. Ten Characters in Search of a Group: A Sketch
of Bloomsbury. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1.2, 1-7.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A26 |
Her, One-Soon and I-Ping Wan. 2007c. Corpus and the nature of
grammar revisite. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 33.1,
67-111.[NSC-95-2411-H-004-027, NSC-94-2411-H-004-030]
Refereed Journal Articles |
A25 |
Her, One-Soon. 2007b. Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin
Resultatives: A lexical mapping account Lingua 117.1, 221-246.[NSC-92-2411-H-004-024, NSC-93-2411-H-004-006]
Refereed Journal Articles |
A24 |
Her, One-Soon. 2007a. Between Globalization and Indigenization: On
Taiwan's Pinyin Issue from the Perspectives of the New Economy.
(Translated version of Her 2005c) Journal of Humanities and Social
Sciences 1.1, 1-22.[NSC-92-2411-H-004-024, NSC-93-2411-H-004-006]
Refereed Journal Articles |
A23 |
Her, One-Soon. 2006. Justifying Part-of-speech Assignments for
Mandarin Gei. Lingua 116.8, 1274-1302. [NSC-92-2411-H-004-024,
Refereed Journal Articles |
A22 |
Globalization and Indigenization: On Taiwan's Pinyin Issue from the
Perspectives of the New Economy。《人文及社會科學集刊》(Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy) 17.4,
[NSC-92-2411-H-004-024, NSC-93-2411-H-004-006]
Refereed Journal Articles |
A21 |
Her, One-Soon. 2005b. Optimality-Theoretic Lexical Mapping Theory: A
case study of locative inversion. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction 2.1, 67-94.
[NSC-92-2411-H-004-024, NSC-93-2411-H-004-006]
Refereed Journal Articles |
A20 |
Her, One-Soon. 2005a.
'Driving' towards simplicity: In (partial) defense of the
'armchair linguist' . Journal of Language and Linguistics 4.1, 56-73.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A19 |
Her, One-Soon. 2004. Argument-Function Linking in Resultatives. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 30.2, 1-34 [NSC-91-2411-H-0047,
Refereed Journal Articles |
A18 |
Her, One-Soon. 2003. Chinese inversion constructions within a
simplified LMT. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Lexical-Functional Grammar
Analysis of Chinese, Adams
Bodomo and Kang Kwong Luke (guest editors), 1-31.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A17 |
何萬順, 1998. 漢語主題在語法層面上的限制 (Syntactic constraints on
topicalization in Chinese) 《國立政治大學學報》(Journal of the National Chengchi University) 77, 1-13
Refereed Journal Articles |
A16 |
Her, One-Soon, 1997. Interaction and explanation: the case of
variation in Chinese VO construction. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 25, 146-165
Refereed Journal Articles |
A15 |
Her, One-Soon, 1996. Variation of Mandarin VO constructions: a
synchronic account. Linguistics 34.4, 733-752
Refereed Journal Articles |
A14 |
Her, One-Soon, 1996. Silence is gold: on the delayed oral practice.
《國立政治大學學報》(Journal of the National Chengchi University) 72, 413-458
Refereed Journal Articles |
A13 |
何萬順, 1995c. 外語教學方法研究的三個層面 (Three aspects of research
in language teaching)《國立政治大學研究通訊》(National Chengchi University Research Bulletin) 4,
Refereed Journal Articles |
A12 |
Her, One-Soon, 1995b. Generating function words in machine
translation. 《國立政治大學學報》(Journal of the National Chengchi University) 70,
Refereed Journal Articles |
A11 |
Her, One-Soon, 1995a. Chinese segmentation problem.《文山評論》(Wenshan Review) 1, 79-90
Refereed Journal Articles |
A10 |
何萬順, 1994b,計算機處理自然語言之研究與語法理論及其形式組之應用
(Applications of syntactic theories and formalisms in NLP
research)《國立政治大學研究通訊》(National Chengchi University Research Bulletin) 2,
Refereed Journal Articles |
A09 |
Her, One-Soon, 1994a. English reading proficiency of Taiwan college
graduates: a study based on the miscue analysis. 《國立政治大學學報》(Journal of the National Chengchi University) 69, 435-58
Refereed Journal Articles |
A08 |
何萬順, 1993b,互動:語言研究的一個新方向 (Interaction: A new
direction in linguistic research)《國立政治大學研究通訊》(National
Chengchi University Research Bulletin) 1, 75-102
Refereed Journal Articles |
A07 |
Her, One-Soon, 1993a. Explanations of age difference in foreign
accent and some implications for teaching foreign languages. 《國立政治大學學報》(Journal of the National Chengchi University) 67, 217-42
Refereed Journal Articles |
A06 |
Her, One-Soon, 1991b. Topic as a grammatical function in Chinese. Lingua 84.1, 1-23.
Refereed Journal Articles |
A05 |
Her, One-Soon, Dan Higinbotham, and Joseph Pentheroudakis, 1991. An
LFG-based machine translation system. Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages 5.3/4,
Refereed Journal Articles |
A04 |
Her, One-Soon, 1991a. On the Mandarin possessive and existential
verb YOU and its idiomatic expressions. Language Sciences 13.3/4, 381-398
Refereed Journal Articles |
A03 |
Her, One-Soon, 1990. Historical development of BA and JIANG in the
Tang Dynasty. Language Variation and Change 2.3, 277-294
Refereed Journal Articles |
A02 |
Her, One-Soon, 1989. An LFG account for Chinese BEI sentences. Journal of the Chinese
Language Teachers Association 24.3, 67-89
Refereed Journal Articles |
A01 |
Her, One-Soon, 1985-6. To dispense with OV word order in Modern
Mandarin. Papers in East Asian Languages 3, 18-47
Refereed Journal Articles |
B02 |
Her, One-Soon, Wan-Ting Li, & Yu-Hsuan Chen. To appear. Bibliography
on Chinese classifiers and measure words. To appear in Taiwan Journal of
Bibliographies |
THCI Core |
B01 |
Her, One-Soon, Hsiao-Chien Feng, I-Hsuan Lu, & Meng-Ying Chen. 2009.
Bibliography on ba and bei. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 7.2: 49-79.
Bibliographies |
THCI Core |
C20 |
何萬順、梁永平。To appear。〈量詞語言類型學研究的新視野〉,《亞洲語言的量詞:描寫與解釋》,程工、李旭平主編。上海教育出版社。
Book Chapters |
C19 |
Book Chapters |
C18 |
Khoo, Hui-lu and One-Soon Her*. To appear. Taiwan Mandarin. To
appear in Hsin-Huang Hsiao (ed.), Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies.
Book Chapters |
C17 |
Her, One-Soon* and Kawai Chui. To appear. Taiwan linguistic
historiography since 1949. To appear in Hsin-Huang Hsiao (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies. Brill.
Book Chapters |
C16 |
Lam, Olivia S.-C*., One-Soon Her, Jing Chen, and Sophia Y.-M. Lee. 2023. LFG
and Sinitic Languages. In Mary Dalrymple (ed.), The Handbook of Lexical Functional
Grammar. Language Science Press, 1703–1751.
Book Chapters |
C15 |
Her, One-Soon* and Bing-Tsiong Li. 2023. A Single origin of numeral classifiers in Asia and Pacific:
A hypothesis. In Marc Tang & Marcin Kilarski (eds.), Nominal Classification in Asia: Functional
and Diachronic Perspectives. John Benjamins, 113–160.
Book Chapters |
C14 |
Book Chapters |
C13 |
Book Chapters |
C12 |
Wu, Jiun-Shiung* and One-Soon Her. 2021. Taxonomy of numeral
classifiers and measure words: A formal semantic proposal. In
Chungmin Lee, Youngwha Kim, and Byeong-uk Yi (eds.), Numeral
Classifiers and Classifier Languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean,
40-71. Routledge, 40-71.
Book Chapters |
C11 |
何萬順. 2016.
Book Chapters |
C10 |
Her, One-Soon. 2013. Lexical Mapping Theory revisited. In From
Quirky Case to Representing Space: Papers in Honor of Annie Zaenen,
edited by Yvonne Tracy Holloway King and Valeria de Paiva, Stanford,
CA: CSLI Publications, 47-60.
Available on-line
Book Chapters |
C09 |
Her, One-Soon & Dun-Hong Deng. 2012. Lexical mapping in Yami verbs.
In Proceedings of the LFG12 Conference, edited by Miriam Butt and
Tracy Holloway King, Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 312-322.
Available on-line
Book Chapters |
C08 |
Her, One-Soon. 2010. A Suppressionist Approach to Function-Argument
Mismatches. In Selected Papers from the 2009 Conference of the
Australian Linguistic Society, edited by Yvonne Treis & Rik De
Book Chapters |
C07 |
Book Chapters |
C06 |
Her, One-Soon, 2007. Linking agentive objects in Mandarin Chinese.
In Selected Papers from the 2006 Conference of the Australian
Linguistic Society, edited by Mary Laughren and Ilana Mushin.
Book Chapters |
C05 |
Her, One-Soon, 1999. Interaction of thematic structure and syntactic
structures: on Mandarin dative alternations. In Chinese Languages
and Linguistics: V, Interaction (中國境內語言暨語言學 第五輯:
語言中的互動), 373-412, Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia
Book Chapters |
C04 |
Hui-Ting Huang and Her, One-Soon, 1998. Mandarin locative inversion
and relation-changing rules. In Selected Papers from the Second
International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan, 287-304, Taipei:
Crane Publishing
Book Chapters |
C03 |
Her, One-Soon, Dan Higinbotham, and Joseph Pentheroudakis, 1994.
Lexical and idiomatic transfer in machine translation: an LFG
approach. In Don Ross and Dan Brink (eds.) Research in Humanities
Computing 3, 200-16, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Book Chapters |
C02 |
Her, One-Soon, 1994, Interaction of syntactic changes. In Chinese
Languages and Linguistics: II, Historical
Linguistics (中國境內語言暨語言學 第二輯: 歷史語言學), 263-93,
Taipei: Academia Sinica
Book Chapters |
C01 |
Her, One-Soon, 1991. Identifying the Chinese word in machine
translation. Horizons: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of
American Translators Association, 1991
Book Chapters |
D10 |
Books and Monographs |
D09 |
Books and Monographs |
D08 |
(ISBN: 9789570846744)
Books and Monographs |
D07 |
Her, One-Soon, 2010. Interaction and Variation in the Chinese VO
Construction, Revised edition, Taipei: Crane Publishing 文鶴出版公司 (ISBN 957-9463-97-2)
Books and Monographs |
D06 |
Her, One-Soon, 2008, Grammatical Functions and Verb
Subcategorization in Mandarin Chinese, Revised edition,
Taipei: Crane Publishing 文鶴出版公司 (ISBN 978-986-147-273-7)
Books and Monographs |
D05 |
Her, One-Soon, 1999. 超頻英漢速檢頁 (Lexijet 2: Frequency-based
Quick English-Chinese Reference). Taipei: Vedas Global
會形文化事業 (ISBN 957-99264-7-6)
Books and Monographs |
D04 |
Her, One-Soon, 1998. 快捷英漢速檢頁 (Lexijet: Quick English-Chinese
Reference). Taipei: Vedas Global 會形文化事業 (ISBN 957-992646-8)
Books and Monographs |
D03 |
Her, One-Soon , 1997. 三民精解英漢辭典 (San Min Compact
English-Chinese Dictionary), Taipei: San Min Book Company 三民書局 (ISBN 957-14-2204-5)
Books and Monographs |
D02 |
Her, One-Soon (ed.), 1995. 三民新英漢辭典 (San Min New
English-Chinese Dictionary), Taipei: San Min Book Company 三民書局 (ISBN 957-14-2569-9)
Books and Monographs |
D01 |
Her, One-Soon, 1991, Grammatical Functions and Verb
Subcategorization in Mandarin Chinese, Taipei: Crane Publishing 文鶴出版公司
Books and Monographs |
E97 |
Hsu, Hung-Hsin, Chung-yu Chen, and One-Soon Her. 2024. Justifying a Dichotomy
of Questions in Mandarin: Evidence from a Timed Grammaticality Judgment Task.
Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of the European Association of
Chinese Linguistics (EACL-12), Roma Tre University, Tome, Italy, September 19-20,
Conference Papers |
E96 |
Ching-Syuan, Shen and One-Soon Her. 2024. Identifying Sortal Classifiers in Korean.
Paper presented at the 2024 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL-
2024), Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, August 8-9, 2024.
Conference Papers |
E95 |
何萬順、林俊儒、蔡介文。2024. 學業退學制度是否合理妥適?學理論證與實證
Conference Papers |
E94 |
Chang, Sin-Yi and One-Soon Her. 2024. From “Bilingual 2030” to “English-friendly,
multilingual Taiwan”: Unpacking problem, rights, and resource orientations in
language policymaking. Paper presented at the Multidisciplinary Approaches in
Language Policy and Planning Conference (LPP 2024), Carleton University, Ottawa,
Canada, June 27-30, 2024.
Conference Papers |
E93 |
Conference Papers |
E92 |
Lai, Yi-Sin, Sau-Chin Chen, and One-Soon Her. 2024. A Psycholinguistic Study of
the Selection of Sortal Classifiers. Presented at the 11th Conference on Language,
Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 11), National Taiwan University, May 3-4, 2024.
Conference Papers |
E91 |
Hsiao, Pei-Yi and One-Soon Her. 2023. On the V-ge-XP Construction in
Mandarin Chinese: A Non-unified Approach. Presented at the Japanese Society for
Language Sciences 24th Annual International Conference (JSLS2023), Chuo
University, Tokyo, Japan, July 8-9, 2023.
Conference Papers |
E90 |
Hsiao, Pei-Yi and One-Soon Her. 2023. A Trichotomy of the V-ge-XP
construction in Mandarin Chinese. Presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the
International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL‐29), Macau University of
Science and Technology (MUST), May 27-29, 2023.
Conference Papers |
E89 |
Her, One-Soon. 2023. A stairway to heaven? Social attitudes and
English language policies in Taiwan. Keynote speech presented at the
24th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied
Linguistics, Ming Chuan University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 17-18,
Conference Papers |
E88 |
Macklin-Cordes, Jayden L., One-Soon Her, and Marc
Allassonnière-Tang. 2022. Correlated evolution of numeral base and
classifier word orders in Tibeto-Burman languages. Presented at the
14th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT
2022), University of Texas at Austin, USA, December 15-17, 2022.
Conference Papers |
E87 |
Conference Papers |
E86 |
Lin, Kun-Han, One-Soon Her, Yung-Ping Liang, and Marc
Allassonnière-Tang. 2022. How the Sortal Concept is Developed in
Language: A Hypothesis of Numeral Systems, Numeral Classifiers, and
Plural Markers. 第十三屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(2020
International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities,
Conference Papers |
E85 |
Her, One-Soon, Yung-Ping Liang, Hung-Hsin Hsu, and Marc
Allassonnière-Tang. 2022. Early Humans Had Only Base-initial
Numerals: A Hypothesis. 第十三屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(2020
International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities,
Conference Papers |
E84 |
Her, One-Soon and Marc Allassonnière-Tang. 2022. Is It 'three
hundred' or 'hundred three'? An Exploration of the Worldwide
Distribution of Numeral Base Orders in Human Languages and Its
Implications. 第十三屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(2020
International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities,
Conference Papers |
E83 |
Allassonnière-Tang, Marc, One-Soon Her. 2022. Mountains, rivers, and
word orders of numeral bases and classifiers in Tibeto-Burman.
第十三屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會(2020 International Conference
of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities,
Conference Papers |
E82 |
何萬順。2022。Diamonds are forever: Imagine there is no money in
journal publication.
2022 年10月28-29日,國立政治大學英國語文學系。
Conference Papers |
E81 |
Her, One-Soon. 2022. Origin of numeral classifiers in Asia, Europe,
and the Pacific: Sinitic or Tai? Keynote speech presented online at
the 34th North America Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-34),
Indiana University, September 24-25, 2022.
Conference Papers |
E80 |
Conference Papers |
E79 |
Conference Papers |
E78 |
8th Inter-regional Forum on Dialect
Conference Papers |
E77 |
Speech),2022 臺越泰華語文教育研討會暨工作坊(2022
Taiwan-Vietnam-Thailand Conference and Workshop on Teaching Chinese
as a Second
Conference Papers |
E76 |
Her, One-Soon and Hung-Hsin Hsu. 2022. Numeral classifiers in
Niger-Congo languages revisited. Presented online at the 53rd Annual
Conference of African Linguistics (ACAL 53), University of
California, San Diego, April 7-9, 2022.
Conference Papers |
E75 |
」, 2022年3月26日,台灣大學人文社會高等研究院。
Conference Papers |
E74 |
何萬順。2021。華語分類詞與英語複數標記的一體兩面(Chinese numeral
classifiers and English plural markers: Two sides of one
Speech),第三屆新時代兩岸華語教學學術研討會(The 3rd New Age
Cross-Strait Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second
Conference Papers |
E73 |
何萬順。2021。雙語國家」政策的謬誤與英語教師的因應之道(Fallacies in
the "Bilingual Nation" policy and what English teachers should
do)。主題演講(Keynote Speech),龍華科技大學語言教學研討會(2021
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Department of Applied
Foreign Languages Conference),2021年11月19日,龍華科技大學。
Conference Papers |
E72 |
Conference Papers |
E71 |
Allassonnière-Tang, Marc and One-Soon Her. 2021. Mountains, rivers,
and word orders of numeral bases and classifiers in Tibeto-Burman.
Presented at the Workshop on Mountain Linguistics, SLE 2021 (54th
Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea), the National
and Kapodistrian University of Athens, August 30-September 3, 2021.
Conference Papers |
E70 |
Hammarström, Harald*, Marc Tang, Olof Lundgren, and One-Soon Her.
2021. Automatically building a database of gender/noun
class/classifiers from digitized grammatical descriptions. Presented
at the Workshop on Gender and Classifiers, March 11-12, 2021, Lund
University, Lund, Sweden.
Conference Papers |
E69 |
Hammarström, Harald*, Marc Tang, and One-Soon Her.2020. Keyword
Spotting: A quick-and-dirty method for extracting typological
features of language from grammatical descriptions. Presented at the
Eighth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2020), November
25-27, 2020, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Conference Papers |
E68 |
蕭佩宜、何萬順。2019。證立台灣閩南語問句的二元分類(Justifying a
Two-way Distinction of Questions in Taiwanese Southern
Min)。第二屆臺灣閩南語沙龍(The Second Saloon of Taiwan Southern
Conference Papers |
E67 |
Hsiao, Pei-Yi* and One-Soon Her. 2019. Justifying a Two-way
Distinction of Questions in Taiwanese Southern Min. Presented at the
12th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics
(TEAL-12), July 9-10, 2019, University of Macau.
Conference Papers |
E66 |
Chen, Ying-Chun, One-Soon Her, Denise Hsien Wu, and Nai-Shing Yen*.
2019. Chinese Numeral Classifiers Engage Quantity Processing:
Behavioral and Neuroimaging Studies. Presented at the Conference on
Multilingualism in the Past, Present, and Future: Opportunities and
Challenges, November 23, 2019, national Chengchi University, Taipei,
Conference Papers |
E65 |
Language Attitude and Its Role in Teaching Chinese as a Second
International Annual Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Second
Conference Papers |
E64 |
Chen, Yupin and One-Soon Her. 2018. On Tag Questions in Chinese:
From the Perspective of Confirmation versus Information Questions.
Presented at the Workshop of Discourse Markers: Specializing in
Comment Clauses, November 9-11, 2018, Sun Yat-Sen University,
Guangzhou, China.
Conference Papers |
E63 |
Chen, Yupin and One-Soon Her. 2018. Multiplicational View on
Classifiers and Measure Words: Evidence from Mandarin-Speaking
Children’s Spontaneous Speech. Presented at the Japanese Society for
Language Sciences 20th Annual International Conference (JSLS2018),
August 2-3, 2018, Bunkyo Gakuin University.
Conference Papers |
E62 |
Her, One-Soon, Ying-Chun Chen, and Nai-Shing Yen*. 2017. Neural
Correlates of Quantity Processing of Chinese Numeral Classifiers.
Presented at 2017 Cross-Strait Forum on the Joint Development of
Cognitive Science Studies (Forum 2017), the Eleventh International
Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS 2017), September 1-3, 2017,
National Taiwan University Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E61 |
Her, One-Soon, Ying-Chun Chen, Nai-Shing Yen, and Chia-Chi Chen*.
2017. Quantity Processing of Chinese Classifiers and Measure Words.
Presented at the 29th Association for Psychological Science (APS)
Annual Convention, May 25-28, 2017, the Sheraton Boston Hotel,
Boston, MA, USA.
Conference Papers |
E60 |
Chen, Ying-Chun, One-Soon Her, Denise Hsien Wu, and Nai-Shing Yen.
2016. The Neural Correlates of Mathematical Processing of Chinese
Classifiers and Measure Words. Presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting
of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (2016 OHBM), June 26-30,
2016, Palexpo Exhibition and Congress Center, Geneva, Switzerland.
Conference Papers |
E59 |
Chen, Ying-Chun, Marc Tang, One-Soon Her, and Nai-Shing Yen. 2016.
Justifying the Left-branching Analysis of Chinese Classifier
Phrases: Evidence from Speech Perception and Production. Presented
at the 8th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC
2016), May 13-14, 2016, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E58 |
Her, One-Soon. 2016. Theory and Application: Are There Yes-No
Questions in English? Keynote speech presented at the 2016
Conference of Linguistics and Its Application: How to use
linguistics in practical English teaching and learning, May 6, 2016,
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E57 |
Her, One-Soon, Hui-Chin Tsai, Kun-Han Lin, Marc Tang, and Meng-Chang
Lee. 2016. Numeral bases and numeral classifiers in SMATTI: Word
order variation in Tibeto-Burman. Presented at the Conference of New
Ways of Analyzing Variation–Asia Pacific 4 (NWAV AP4), April 22-24,
2016, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E56 |
Chen, Ying-Chun, One-Soon Her, Denise Hsien Wu, and Nai-Shing Yen.
2016. Semantic attributes and mathematical values in the processing
of Chinese classifiers and measure words. Presented at the 2016
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, April 2-5,
2016, New York Hilton Midtown, New York.
Conference Papers |
E55 |
Chen, Ying-Chun, One-Soon Her, Denise Hsien Wu, and Nai-Shing Yen.
2016. Semantic Attributes and mathematical values in the processing
of Chinese classifiers and measure words. Presented at the 2016
Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, January
23, 2016 National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E54 |
Her, One-Soon, Hui-Chin Tsai, Kun-Han Lin, Marc Tang, Meng-Chang
Lee. 2015. Unification of Numeral Bases and Numeral Classifiers:
Evidence from SMATTI. Paper presented at the Workshop on the syntax
and semantics of numerals, the 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas
Linguistica Europaea. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
(LUCL), Leiden, 2-5 September 2015.
Conference Papers |
E53 |
Her, One-Soon. 2015. Two Sides of a Coin Named one: Unifying Plural
Markers and Numeral Classifiers. Keynote speech presented at the
International Conference on Applied Linguistics, National Chiayi
University, Chiayi, May 30-31, 2015.
Conference Papers |
E52 |
Her, One-Soon, Ying-Chun Chen, Denise Hsian Wu, Nai-Shin Yen. 2015.
The cognitive mechanism underlying the convergence and divergence of
Chinese numeral classifier. Presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of
Research Center for Mind, Brain, and
Learning心腦學中心暨台灣心智科學腦造影中心綜合成果發表會, January
28, 2015, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E51 |
Her, One-Soon, Hui-Chin Tsai, Kun-Han Lin, Marc Tang, Meng-Chang
Lee. 2015. Numeral Bases and Numeral Classifiers in SMATTI: A
Typological Sandwich. Paper presented at the dissemination workshop
Gender and Classifiers: Areal and Genealogical Perspectives. Max
Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, January 26-27,
Conference Papers |
E50 |
Her, One-Soon & Yun-Ru Chen. 2013. Unification of numeral
classifiers and plural markers: Empirical facts and
implications. Presented at the 27th Pacific Asia Conference on
Language, Information, and Computation (PACLIC 27), November 22-24,
2013, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E49 |
Her, One-Soon. 2013. English plural markers and Chinese numeral
classifiers: Convergence and divergence. Keynote speech delivered at
the 2013 International Conference on Language, Literature, and
Teaching & Book Fair, December 20, 2013, National Chin-Yi University
of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E48 |
Her, One-Soon & Dun-Hong Deng. 2012. Lexical mapping in Yami verbs.
Paper presented at the 17th International Lexical Functional Grammar
Conference (LFG 2012), June 28-July 1, 2012, Udayana University,
Bali, Indonesia.
Conference Papers |
E47 |
Her, One-Soon. 2012. Classifiers and measure words: Evidence for a
unified universal structure. Paper presented at The 13th
International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics
(IsCLL-13), June 1-3, 2012, National Taiwan Normal University,
Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E46 |
Her, One-Soon. 2012. Numerals and classifiers: Convergence,
divergence, and Greenberg’s Universal 20A. Keynote speech given at
the International Conference on Language Evolution: Origin and
Change of Language in Descriptive and Formal Linguistic Theories,
May 25, 2012, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung,
Conference Papers |
E45 |
Her, One-Soon. 2012. Word order typology and structure of numbers
and classifiers. Paper presented at The Third Symposium on
Linguistics Research Methods, March 16, April 13, May 11, and June
1, 2012, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference Papers |
E44 |
Her, One-Soon. 2011. Structure of classifiers and measure words: A
Lexical Functional account. Invited talk given at the 16th
International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG 2011), July
16-19, 2011, University of Hong Kong.
Conference Papers |
E43 |
Her, One-Soon, 2011. Classifiers: The many ways to profile ‘one’.
Paper presented at the Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop 2011
(CLSW2011), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3-5 May,
Conference Papers |
E42 |
Her, One-Soon, 2010. Distinguishing Classifiers and Measure Words.
Paper presented at the The 4th Conference on Language, Discourse and
Cognition (CLDC2010), National Taiwan University, Taipei, May 1-2,
Conference Papers |
E41 |
Her, One-Soon, 2010. Distinguishing classifiers and measure Words.
Paper presented at the 2010 Australia Linguistic Society
Conference (ALS2010), The University of Queensland, St Lucia,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7–9 July, 2010
Conference Papers |
E40 |
Her, One-Soon, 2009. Linking apparent agent objects in Chinese.
Paper presented at the Tenth Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop
(CLSW 2009), Ludong University, Yantai, China, 27-31 July, 2009.
Conference Papers |
E39 |
Her, One-Soon, 2009. A Suppressionist Approach to Argument-Function
Mismatches. Paper presented at the 2009 Australia Linguistic Society
Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 July,
Conference Papers |
E38 |
Her, One-Soon, 2009. Unifying the Long Passive and the Short Passive
in Chinese: Evidence from Corpus. Paper to be presented at 2009
Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu,
Hawaii, 9-12 January, 2009.
Conference Papers |
E37 |
Her, One-Soon, 2008. 語言與族群認同:台灣外省族群的母語與台灣華語.
Paper presented at首屆兩岸四地語言學論壇 (The First Linguistics
Forum in the Great China), Macao Polytechnic Institute, 6-7
December, 2008.
Conference Papers |
E36 |
Her, One-Soon, 2008. 從多元族群語言看外省族群的母語與台灣華語. Paper
presented at第七屆臺灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會(The Seventh
International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching), 6-7
September, 2008.
Conference Papers |
E35 |
Her, One-Soon, 2008. 絕滅與新生:從多語言文化看外省族群的母語與國語.
Paper presented
at東吳大學外語學院2008年校際學術研討會:多語言文化─教學與研究 (2008
Soochow University College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Academic Conference: Multilingual Cultures: Teaching and Research),
29 March, 2008.
Conference Papers |
E34 |
Her, One-Soon, 2007. Grammatical representation of idioms in LFG.
Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Conference of Australian
Linguistic Society, September 26-28, 2007, Adelaide, Australia.
Conference Papers |
E33 |
Her, One-Soon, 2007. Globalization of regional academic journals: A
case study of three linguistics journals published in Taiwan. Paper
presented at International Conference on the Publishing and
Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English
as an Additional Language, January 11-13, 2007, University of La
Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
Conference Papers |
E32 |
Her, One-Soon, 2006. Linking agentive objects in Mandarin Chinese.
Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Conference of Australian
Linguistic Society, July 7-9, 2006, Queensland University, Brisbane,
Conference Papers |
E31 |
Her, One-Soon, 2005. Argument-function mismatches in Mandarin
Chinese: A lexical mapping account. Paper presented at the Workshop
on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics, July 22-23, 2005, Harvard
Conference Papers |
E30 |
Her, One-Soon,
2004. 「全球化」或「在地化」:從新經濟的角度看台灣的拼音問題 (Between
Globalization and Indigenization: On Taiwan’s Pinyin Issue from the
Perspectives of the New Economy). Paper presented
at東吳大學外語學院2004年校際學術研討會:全球化與在地化-語言、文學、文化 (2004
Soochow University College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Academic Conference: Globalization and Indigenization—Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures), 27 March, 2004.
Conference Papers |
E29 |
Her, One-Soon, 2004. Driving towards simplicity: in (partial)
defense of the armchair linguist. Paper be presented at the 2nd
Conference on Research Methodologies in Linguistics, 8 May, 2004,
National Chengchi University, Taipei
Conference Papers |
E28 |
Her, One-Soon, 2004.Lexical mapping in Chinese inversion
constructions. Keynote speech. International Workshop on
Lexical-Functional Grammar Analysis of Chinese, 1 June, 2002,
Department of Linguistics, Hong Kong University
Conference Papers |
E27 |
Her, One-Soon, 2002., Machine translation systems and
language-related teaching. 2nd Conference on Language and
Technology, 6-7 December, 2002, National Chengchi University, Taipei
Conference Papers |
E26 |
Her, One-Soon, 2002. Lexical mapping in Chinese inversion
constructions. Keynote speech. International Workshop on
Lexical-Functional Grammar Analysis of Chinese, 1 June, 2002,
Department of Linguistics, Hong Kong University
Conference Papers |
E25 |
Her, One-Soon, 2000. Lexical mapping in Chinese inversion
constructions. The 2000 NCCU Teachers’ Conference on Linguistic
Research, 25-6 November, 2000, Taipei, National Chengchi University
Conference Papers |
E24 |
Her, One-Soon, 1999. Grammatical representation of idiom chunks.
International Association of Chinese Linguistics 8th Annual
Conference, 5-7 July 1999, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Conference Papers |
E23 |
Her, One-Soon, 1998. Lexical mapping in Chinese inversion
constructions. LFG98: International Lexical Functional Grammar
Conference. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Conference Papers |
E22 |
Her, One-Soon, 1998. Grammatical constraints on Topic in Chinese.
The Second National Conference of Academic papers. Fu Ying College
of Technology, Kaohsiung.
Conference Papers |
E21 |
Her, One-Soon, 1997. The lexical mapping theory and Mandarin
resultative compounds. LFG97, University of California at San Diego
Conference Papers |
E20 |
Her, One-Soon, 1996. Interaction of thematic structure and syntactic
structures: on Mandarin dative alternations. The Fifth International
Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics, National Chengchi
University, Taipei
Conference Papers |
E19 |
Her, One-Soon and Hui-Ting Huang, 1995. Chinese and English dative
shift: A lexical mapping account. Proceedings of the 10th Pacific
Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC
10), City University of Hong Kong, pp.57-66
Conference Papers |
E18 |
Her, One-Soon and Hui-Ting Huang, 1995. Dative shift, lexical
mapping, and UG. The Third Natural Language Processing Pacific?rim
Symposium, Seoul, Korea, December 4?6, 1995
Conference Papers |
E17 |
Her, One-Soon, 1995. A lexicalist solution of Chinese compounds and
idioms for NLP applications. 1995 International Conference on
Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Honolulu, Hawaii,
November 23-25, 1995
Conference Papers |
E16 |
Her, One-Soon and Huang Hui-Ting, 1995. Mandarin locative inversion,
morpholexical operations, and UG. The 4th International Conference
on Chinese Linguistics (ICCL-4) and the 7th North American
Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-7), University of
Wisconsin, June 27-31, 1995
Conference Papers |
E15 |
Hui-Ting Huang and Her, One-Soon, 1995. Mandarin locative inversion
and relation changing rules. The 2nd International Symposium on
Languages in Taiwan (ISOLIT), National Taiwan University, June 3-4,
Conference Papers |
E14 |
Her, One-Soon, 1995. Modularity and explanation: the case of VO
constructions in Chinese. The 2nd Conference of Pacific Association
for Computational Linguistics (PACLING II), The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, April 19?22, 1995
Conference Papers |
E13 |
Her, One-Soon, 1994. Applying the miscue analysis in ESL/EFL. The
11th Conference on TESOL-ROC, Fu Jen Catholic University, May 21,
Conference Papers |
E12 |
Her, One-Soon, 1992. On the interaction between structure and
lexicon. Annual Meeting of Chinese Language Teachers Association,
Chicago, November 20-22, 1992
Conference Papers |
E11 |
Her, One-Soon, 1992. Generation of Chinese function words in an
LFG-based machine translation system. The Deseret Language and
Linguistic Society 1992 Symposium, Brigham Young University, Provo,
Conference Papers |
E10 |
Her, One-Soon, 1992. Interaction and variation. The First
International Conference of Chinese Linguistics, National University
of Singapore, Singapore, June 24-6, 1992
Conference Papers |
E09 |
Her, One-Soon, 1991. Interaction of syntactic changes. The 2nd
International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics,
Academia Sinica, Taipei
Conference Papers |
E08 |
Her, One-Soon, 1991. Identifying the Chinese word in machine
translation. The 32nd Annual Conference of American Translators
Association, Salt Lake City, Utah
Conference Papers |
E07 |
Her, One-Soon, Dan Higinbotham, and Joseph Pentheroudakis, 1991. The
treatment of idioms in the LFG-based ECS machine translation system,
ACH/ALLC '91 Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Conference Papers |
E06 |
Her, One-Soon, 1991. Rule interaction as a cause of grammatical
variation. The Deseret Language and Linguistic Society 1991
Symposium, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Conference Papers |
E05 |
Her, One-Soon, 1991. Variation of transitivity in Mandarin Chinese
VO compound verbs. The Third North American Conference on Chinese
Linguistics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, May 3-5, 1991
Conference Papers |
E04 |
Her, One-Soon, 1990. On the verb YOU in Mandarin Chinese. The 23rd
International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics,
University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas, October 5-7,
Conference Papers |
E03 |
Her, One-Soon, Dan Higinbotham, and Joseph Pentheroudakis, 1989. An
LFG-based English-Chinese machine translation system. The 1989
International Symposium on Chinese Text Processing, Florida Atlantic
University, Boca Raton, Florida
Conference Papers |
E02 |
Her, One-Soon, 1989. Chinese verb subcategorization in a variant
Lexical-Functional Grammar. The 22nd International Conference on
Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, Hawaii, October 5-8, 1989
Conference Papers |
E01 |
Her, One-Soon, 1989. The historical development
of BA/JIANG sentences: more evidence from Bianwen and Chuanqi. The
First Northeast Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, May 5-7, 1989
Conference Papers |